النزاع الصوتي بين سكارليت جوهانسون وOpenAI يثير مخاوف هوليود بشأن الذكاء الاصطناعي

الفئات: AI Newsالعلامات: , , نشرت بتاريخ: مايو 25, 2024قراءة 1.2 دقيقة

Scarlett Johansson’s recent accusation against OpenAI لتكرار صوتها في عروض ChatGPT الخاصة بهم، أشعلت نقاشًا أوسع حول الآثار المترتبة على ذلك الذكاء الاصطناعي في هوليوود. وقد أدى هذا الحادث إلى تفاقم المخاوف بين المهنيين المبدعين بشأن التهديد المحتمل الذي يشكله الذكاء الاصطناعي على سبل عيشهم، حتى عندما تستكشف الاستوديوهات سبل التعاون مع شركات مثل OpenAI.

The use of a voice deemed “eerily similar” to Johansson’s in the Spike Jonze film “Her” has not only raised ethical questions but also jeopardized potential partnerships between OpenAI and Hollywood studios. Executives and agents have expressed reservations about working with a company that appears to disregard copyright concerns and exploit creative works without consent.

OpenAI’s text-to-video tool, Sora, has showcased impressive capabilities, generating film-like quality videos that have piqued the interest of Hollywood. However, the recent controversy has cast a shadow over potential collaborations, with some industry insiders criticizing OpenAI’s actions as “hubris.”

While technologists in the entertainment industry see potential in AI tools like Sora to enhance the filmmaking process, concerns about copyright infringement and the protection of performers’ rights remain paramount. The debate surrounding the use of AI in creative fields is far from settled, and the outcome of Johansson’s dispute with OpenAI could have significant implications for the future of AI in Hollywood.

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