Everything You Need To Know About Apple WWDC24: Apple AI, Siri with ChatGPT, iOS 18

Categories: AI NewsTags: , , , Published On: June 11, 20243.3 min read
Apple WWDC24

Apple’s WWDC Keynote Concludes: AI Takes Center Stage with Apple Intelligence and Optional ChatGPT Integration for Siri

The curtain has closed on Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference keynote. The event was packed with news, but the biggest story was Apple’s significant push into artificial intelligence (AI). They’ve unveiled a new umbrella term for their AI efforts: “Apple Intelligence.”

This suggests a future where AI will be deeply integrated across Apple’s products and services.

You can watch the live stream here:

Siri Gets a Boost with Optional ChatGPT Integration (Free for All Users)

Apple announced a significant upgrade for Siri: the ability to tap into OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology, but with an important twist – user control. Here’s how it will work:

  • Optional Integration: When Siri encounters a complex question, it will ask you if you’d like to share it with ChatGPT. This gives you the choice between the traditional Siri experience and potentially more advanced responses powered by ChatGPT.
  • Focus on External Models: This integration reflects Apple’s broader strategy of allowing users to leverage external AI models. This approach goes beyond ChatGPT, suggesting Apple might incorporate other AI models in the future.
  • Free and Privacy-Focused: The best part? Accessing ChatGPT functionalities within Siri will be entirely free and won’t require any account creation. Additionally, Apple assures users that their requests and information won’t be logged, prioritizing user privacy.
  • Expanded Functionality: ChatGPT’s capabilities extend beyond Siri. It will be integrated into systemwide writing tools. Imagine creating a bedtime story for your child with the help of ChatGPT, complete with AI-generated images!
  • Availability: This exciting feature will be available later this year with the rollout of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia.
Apple WWDC 2024

Image Credit:Valentin Wolf/imageBROKER/Shutterstock/File

Express Yourself with Flair: Apple Introduces Genmoji, Custom AI-Generated Emojis

Apple breaks new ground in the world of emojis with the introduction of Genmoji. This innovative feature, available in iOS 18, empowers you to create personalized emojis using artificial intelligence (AI).

Here’s how it works:

  • Describe Your Dream Emoji: Simply provide a text description of the emoji you envision. Whether it’s a smiley face with sunglasses and a mustache or a dancing robot holding a pizza, Genmoji’s AI will translate your words into a unique emoji tailored to your specific preferences.
  • Express Yourself Uniquely: Genmoji unlocks a whole new level of self-expression in your digital communication. Gone are the days of being limited to pre-existing emoji options. Now, you can create emojis that perfectly capture your mood, personality, or inside jokes with friends.
  • Seamless Integration: Apple assures users that Genmoji will be seamlessly integrated into existing messaging functionalities. You’ll be able to create and share your custom emojis directly within your messages, making communication more fun and personalized.

Apple Unveils Privacy-Focused AI Initiative: Apple Intelligence

Apple has finally unveiled its much-anticipated foray into artificial intelligence (AI), christened Apple Intelligence. This initiative prioritizes user privacy and aims to go beyond traditional AI by incorporating “personal intelligence.”

Apple Intelligence

Apple Intelligence, Image Credit: Apple Inc.

Here’s a breakdown of what Apple Intelligence offers:

  • Privacy at the Forefront: CEO Tim Cook emphasized the importance of user privacy in AI development. Apple Intelligence is built with privacy in mind, utilizing a method called “Private Cloud Compute” to ensure your data stays secure.
  • Personalization is Key: Apple goes beyond “artificial intelligence” by focusing on “personal intelligence.” This means AI features will be tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Cross-Device Functionality: Apple Intelligence isn’t limited to one device. It will be available across iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, ensuring a consistent and intelligent experience across your Apple ecosystem.

Check out the other AI news and technology events right here in AIfuturize!

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