• AI Resume Writer analyzes your background, skills, and career goals. Based on this information, it generates a tailored resume that highlights your most relevant qualifications and captures the attention of hiring managers.

  • Fintwit is a stock analysis and recommendation tool that allows you to follow market influencers, experienced traders, and other investors who pique your interest.

  • AIcompliemnt.me crafts personalized compliments that are thoughtful, genuine, and tailored to the recipient.

  • DeepNewz is an AI-powered news aggregator that analyzes news articles from various credible sources, extracting the most important information and presenting it in concise, easy-to-understand summaries.

  • Overjet AI is a comprehensive AI platform specifically designed for dental professionals. It utilizes sophisticated algorithms to analyze dental X-rays, automating tasks and identifying potential issues

  • AI Jobster is a specialized search engine designed to connect you with exciting job opportunities at the forefront of AI.

  • Fight IQ is an AI-powered training assistant specifically designed for martial artists to analyze technique, identify areas for improvement, and receive personalized training recommendations.